
Please read the names and statements of the canidates listed below.  There are ten (10) canidates total.  Please email your name and the names of up to five (5) canidates for Trainwreck Productions' 2010 Board of Directors to Ryan Decker (production manager) at decker@publicist.com.  Selecting fewer than than five (5) canidates is acceptable.

Your individual "ballot" will not be shared or made public, however it will be accounted for in a tally total that will be shared with the current Trainwreck Productions Board.  (i.e.  I will respect your opinion, your vote, and your privacy.  I will not be sharing "who voted for who."  Also note I will not be offended if you don't vote for me - - Please vote for the individuals you want on the board!)

DEADLINE:  10:00 PM, Saturday, September 12, 2009.

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The Candidates

Anna Baur Schoer:  My name is Anna Baur Schoer and I am applying for a position on the
Trainwreck Productions Board. I would like to be involved because I think it's a good oppotunity for theater with freedom of creative expression. I love the idea of being involved in theater with a little more control, self-directed things. I love directing, acting and a little techie stuff. I think I could be a valuable part because of my quick-thinking and excessive ideas.

Ryan Decker:  I am running for Trainwreck Productions'  2010 Board.  I beleive I have the organization, experience, and drive to continue cultivating Trainwreck Productions into a striving summer theatre company and to produce quality and meaningful experiences for members and audiences of Trainwreck shows.  We've had a great start - and I want to help it get better!

Kevin Duggan:  I wish to be elected to the 09-10 Trainwreck Production board for many various reasons. For starters, I volunteered myself to play guitar for Dr. Horrible, a position that wasn't required, but made for a great show.  I also helped front-line, selling tickets before the shows.  It should also be noted that I am currently in the process of writing a completely original show for Trainwreck to produce next season, completely free of charge of any royalties--a show in which I would like to co-direct and accompany on guitar again.  I am close friends with most of the other applicants, and we all get along very well--we would work well together, too.

Tessa Hoffman:  I would LOVE to be on the Trainwreck board for next year.  I was in Dr. Horrible as Penny (As I hope you remember!!).  If elected to the Trainwreck board  I will do all that is possible to help make Trainwreck even COOLER and AWESOMER!!  I want to not only perform in shows but also help on production teams and direct shows and stuff.  So anyway, yay to next summer!!

Lily McKinlay:  I was in Pool (No Water) directed by Anna Troy, which is pretty cool since it was Trainwrecks first show ever!  Anyways, I want to be on the board for Trainwreck because I think that I could bring in some really cool ideas, plus I'm not dramatic which is definitaly NOT what Trainwreck Productions need.  But besides that, I'm pretty creative and I think I would be a superb addition to the Trainwreck family.

Nolan Reisen:  I would like to apply for a position for the Trainwreck board. I have a great passion for acting and would love to become a bigger part of this theatre company.  I believe I would bring a lot to the table; I'm well-organized and on-time. I would also like to participate more in theatre activities, especially acting, which I can to for this company.

Sarah Szeibel:  I believe that as a board member of Trainwreck Productions for the 2010 season that I will bring unique and fresh ideas to the company. I also bring a small amount of experience, as I served as a board member for the end of the 2009 season. I know what we did well and I know what we can work on.  I loved listening to other board member’s ideas, as well as the ideas that come from our fanbase. I strive to reduce bias and give every idea equal opportunity, but I also like to try to think realistically. I speak from a very musically experienced background, and after my first semester of college as a music major, I will bring even more knowledge to that aspect of our board. I also have a great deal of dance and movement experience. Balancing these strengths with the strengths of other board members, who may bring more theatrical experience or knowledge,  or more management skills, will provide the most effective balance of knowledge within the field of the arts, and better the outcome of the Trainwreck Productions 2010 season.

Paige Triervieler:  I'd like to be on the Trainwreck board because I have the best interests of the company at the forefront of my mind. I'm very level-headed and easy to work with, but can be assertive when the situation calls for it.

Anna Troy:  I did it last year.  I have good ideas.  I helped start this whole thing.  I want to do it again next summer.

Mary Zanger

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